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HillNet Business Centre needs online marketing agents to market Live HD TV channels to customers. As an online marketing agent, you must install Wechat on your smartphone. Using Wechat, you will share moments in your user profile to market HillNet Business Centre’s services. You will be responsible for contacting customers through WeChat. As some customers may not have Wechat, it may be necessary to help them install this application on their smartphone. You can use Wechat to interact with your customers and promote the services offered by our company. Online marketing agents will receive a 5% commission for each customer that successfully subscribes to Live HD TV service.



Step 1

How to be an agent:


  1. Download and install an app called (WeChat) unto your mobile device, a link is provided below.

  2. Follow the setup instructions to install and configure your mobile device.

  3. Once you have successfully installed and configured your mobile device, it’s time to add contacts.



Step 2

How to add new contacts:


  1. Open WeChat App.

  2. On the top right corner tap the (+ PLUS) sign and Add Contacts.

  3. First, add HillNet Business Centre via the ID below:


WeChat ID: hillnetbusiness


  1. Type in the phone numbers or ID of anyone you want to add, search and add them.


HillNet will confirm your request and give you an agent ID number. We will also give you details of what you will be marketing to your customers.



Step 3

How to market online:


  1. Send a message with the WeChat link below via text, WhatsApp or any other means to potential customers to market our service to.

  2. Help them to install and configure their mobile devices.

  3. Once they have successfully installed and configured their mobile devices, you can add them via their phone numbers.

  4. Add the moments provided to you by the online marketing supervisor to your user profile.

  5. Send out provided marketing materials as directed by your supervisor.


WeChat App Links

iPhone Uses:

Mac Computer Uses:

Android Phone Uses:

Windows Phone or Computer Uses:

Questions? Let us Help.

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